Ecim 2015
global summit

8th European Congress of Integrative Medicine
Greater Copenhagen, Denmark

Exploring the evidence base for integrated HEALTHCARE research, EDUCATION and workforce
for patients.

Day One: Economics & Science – Global Healthcare and Integrative Medicine Models

Day Two: Moving Forward – Integrated Healthcare Workforce, Education and Patient Care

  • 8th ECIM President
    Shelley Noble-Letort, PhD (DK) Nordic Integrative Medicine

    Prof Torkel Falkenberg, MD PhD (SE) Karolinska Institut, Department of Neurobiology and Director of Integrative Care Science Center
    John Hughes, PhD (UK) Senior Researcher, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
    Prof George Lewith, MD (UK) University of Southampton, Department of Primary Care & Populations Sciences, Health Research
    Torben Riise, PhD MBA (DK/USA) Copenhagen Capacity Goodwill Ambassador
    Dr Malcolm Taw, MD (USA) UCLA Collaborative Centers for Integrative Medicine, Center for East-West Medicine

  • Chair:
    John Hughes, PhD (UK) 
    Senior Researcher, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine

    Dr Mikael Bitsch, MD (DK) Overlæge University of Copenhagen Department of Clinical Education (CEKU) Rigshospitalet
    Prof Lars Ole Bonde (DK) Aalborg University, Copenhagen Department of Communication and Psychology, Expert in Music Therapy and Medicine
    Dr David Eisenberg, MD (USA) Harvard School of Public Health, Nutrition and Executive Vice-President Samueli Institute, Health Research and Education
    Torkel Falkenberg (SE) Associate Professor, Research Constellation Leader – Integrative Health Care, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet; Deputy Director – Karolinska Institutet Centre for Social Sustainability; Director – The Charitable Research Foundation I C – The Integrative Care Science Center
    Dr Peter Fisher, MD (UK) Clinical Director and Director of Research at NHS Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
    Prof. Michael Heinrich (UK)UCL School of Pharmacy, Univ. London
    Eva Bojner Horwitz (SE) Uppsala University, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences – Family, Preventative and Social Medicine
    Prof Lixing Lao, MD PhD (HK/USA) Director of School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong Vivian Taam Wong Professorship in Integrative Medicine and University of Maryland School of Medicine, Center for Integrative Medicine
    Prof George Lewith, MD  (UK) University of Southampton, Department of Primary Care & Population Sciences, Health Research
    Dr Paulo de Tarso Ricieri Lima, MD MSc (BR)Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Integrative Medicine Group
    Dr Victoria Maizes, MD (USA)Executive Director, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine Professor of Clinical Medicine, Family Medicine and Public Health, The University of Arizona
    Dr Woodson Merrell, MD (USA) Chairman of Department of Integrative Medicine at Mt. Sinai Beth Israel Hospital, Executive Director of Center for Health and Healing NYC, and Chair of Center Institute of Research and Education in Integrative Medicine (CIRE-IM)
    Prof Andreas Michalsen, MD (GE) University of Berlin Charité, Chief Physician at Immanuel Krankenhaus Berlin
    Prof Nicola Robinson (UK) School of Health and Social Care, London South Bank University
    Dr Paolo Roberti di Sarsina, MD (IT) Observatory and Methods for Health, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano
    Prof Avni Sali, MD PhD (AU) Director, National Institute of Integrative Medicine (NIIM)
    Dr Lasse Skovgaard, PhD (DK) Danish MS Society, Health Policy and Research
    Dr Malcolm Taw, MD (USA) UCLA Collaborative Centers for Integrative Medicine, Center for East-West Medicine
    Prof Clauda Witt, MD MBA (CH) Director of Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, University Hospital Zurich and Chair of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, University of Zurich

  • Thursday, September 24, 2015
    Pre-Summit Concert at the DR Koncerthuset, Copenhagen
    Performance by the Danish National Symphony Orchestra, Maestro Michael Schønwandt of the Royal Opera House, Copenhagen

    Friday, September 25th, 2015
    Pre-Summit Invitational at World Trade Center, Ballerup
    Policy Roundtable on Nordic Models of Care at World Trade Center, Ballerup

    Saturday, September 26th, 2015
    Day One : Economics and Science –Global Healthcare and Integrative Medicine Models 
    at The Culture Yard, Helsingør

    Welcome and Opening Remarks:
    Benedickte Kiær, Mayor of Helsingør

    Opening Keynote on Global Healthcare:
    Dr. Victor Dzau, MD, President, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies Washington D.C. (USA)

    Patient Expert Keynote on The IKEA Way to Better Healthcare – Healthy Story on Living Life with Cancer : 
    Michael Hay – Creative Director, IKEA Global Communications (SE/UK)

    PANEL ONE: ECONOMICS – Can Integrative Medicine Provide High Quality Cost-Effective Care for Global Healthcare?

    • Chair, George Lewith, MA MD FRCP – Professor of Health Research University of Southampton (UK)
      CAMbrella: Can We Work Together to Develop our Understanding of Integrative Medicine?

    • Peter Fisher, MD – NHS Royal London Hospital of Integrated Medicine, Physician to the Queen of England
      Insider-Outsider Perspective on Integrative Healthcare Reform
      Economic Burden of Chronic Disease, Co-Morbidity and Polypharmacy

    • Claudia Witt, MD, MBA – Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, University Hospital Zurich (CH)
      Economic Analyses of Complementary and Integrative Medicine – Where to Go?

    • Malcolm Taw, MD FACP – Director, UCLA Center for East-West Medicine – Westlake Village, UCLA Collaborative Centers for Integrative Medicine; Associate Clinical Professor, UCLA Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA (USA)
      Integrative Medicine or Not Integrative Medicine: That is the Question

    • Open Forum Panel Discussions

    ParallelResearch Sessions: POSTERS and ORALS

    Track A: Ethnopharmacology
    Track B: Music and Medicine
    Track C: Stress and Integrative Health

    Track D: Integrative Oncology
    Special Presentations: Music and Medicine Therapy


    Chair: Professor Avni Sali, MD, PhD (AU) Director of National Institute of Integrative Medicine (NIIM)

    HELIXOR ReThinkBox Keynote:
    Stefan Hiller, MD – Specialist in Internal Medicine, Hematology, Integrative Oncology, Palliative Medicine of Die Finderklink, Stuttgart Germany

    HELIXOR ReThinkBox Open Forum Panel Discussion:

    PANEL 2: SCIENCE – Can Integrative Medicine Research Move Healthcare into Sustainability?

    • Chair, Torkel Falkenberg, Associate Professor, Research Constellation Leader – Integrative Health Care, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet; Deputy Director – Karolinska Institutet Centre for Social Sustainability; Director – The Charitable Research Foundation I C – The Integrative Care Science Center (SE)
      Integrative Care Science and Sustainability

    • Lixing Lao, PhD, MB – University of Hong Kong School of Chinese Medicine, University of Maryland Center for Integrative Medicine  (HK/USA)

    • Professor Jan Madsen, PhD Deputy Director of DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark (DK)
      Digital Guardian Angels: Point-of-Care Devices

    • Dr. Merlin Willcox – University of Oxford, Department of Primary Care Health Sciences (UK)
      Development of Improved Traditional Medicines in Africa

    • Open Forum Panel Discussion

    Closing Keynote: Integrative Medicine and Chronic Illness
    Prof Avni Sali, MD PhD  Director, National Institute of Integrative Medicine NIIM (AU)

    HEEL Award 2015

    “Excellence in Integrative Medicine Research Award”
    presented by Dr. Konstantin Cesnulevicus, MD Medical Science Liasion for Heel GmbH and Professor Stefan Willich, MD University of Berlin Charité


    “A Concert Bouquet of Musical Flowers for the Hospital”  featuring the evidence-based research on the effectiveness of music therapy for chronic illnesses selected by Professor Lars Ole Bonde of Aalborg University.

  • Sunday, September 27th, 2015
    Day Two: Moving Forward – Integrated Healthcare Workforce, Education and Patient Care

    at The Culture Yard, Helsingør

    Welcome Reflection:
    Dr. Victor Dzau, MD, President, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies Washington D.C. (USA)

    Opening Keynote:
    Dr. Woodson Merrell, MD – Director of the Continuum Center for Health & Healing NYC, Chairman of the Department of Integrative Medicine Mt. Sinai Beth Israel Hospital (USA)

    PANEL 3: EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE Can Integrative Medicine Improve Patient-Centered Healthcare through an Integrated Workforce?

    • Frederico Carvalho, Instituto de Medicina Tradicional (PT)

    • Prof Vinjar Fønnebø, PhDDirector of NAFKAM (NO)

    • Suzanne Grant, PhD  University of Western Sydney and the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse at Sydney Cancer Hospital (AU)

    • Paulo de Tarso Ricieri de Lima, MD Hospital Israelita Einstein (BR)

    ParallelResearch Sessions: POSTERS and ORALS
    Tracks E: Integrative Models for Clinical Healthcare and Medical School Education
    Track F: Traditional Chinese Medicine
    Track G: Mind-Body and Ayurveda

    Elsevier Authors Roundtable Workshop
    Chair: Professor Michael Heinrich, Centre for Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, UCL School of Pharmacy, London (UK)

    Member Meeting of the European Chapter of the International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR)

    Member Meeting of the European Society of Integrative Medicine (ESIM)

    ParallelResearch Sessions: POSTERS and ORALS
    Track H: Patient Experts and Patient Engagement in Research Strategy
    Track I: Naturopathy, Homeopathy and Phytotherapy

    Keynote: Peter Askel Villadsen, Senior Director, Head of Global Centre of Excellence Patient Engagement LEO Pharma A/S

    Chair: Dr. Woodson Merrell, MD – Director of the Continuum Center for Health & Healing NYC, Chairman of the Department of Integrative Medicine Mt. Sinai Beth Israel Hospital (USA)

    LEO PHARMA RETHINKBOX Open Forum Discussion

    Closing Keynote:
    Dr. Victoria Maizes, MD – Executive Director, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine; Professor of Clinical Medicine, Family Medicine and Public Health, The University of Arizona

    Final Remarks and Ceremonial Closing:
    Nordic Council Roundtable


ECIM 2015 Global Summit offered an innovative, solution-driven platform for physicians and healthcare practitioners, researchers and students, politicians and patients to collectively work on the vision and science, economics and education for optimal healthcare. Moderated academic and scientific sessions, open-forum expert panel discussions, parallel research sessions and ReThinkBox sessions explored the prominent issues that healthcare is facing globally and the scientific evidence for or against Integrative Medicine that includes Complementary and Traditional Medicine.


Women's Health Study