• I am a fifth generation Californian, where I raised my children in the beautiful community of Santa Barbara. Before moving to Copenhagen, I co-founded the Santa Barbara Birth Center, the first freestanding birth center serving Santa Barbara County, California (population 500,000), recently voted Best Birth Center in the USA. 

    My community involvement includes environmental, therapeutic and philanthropic work for private and public schools, societies, and non-profit organizations such as the Peabody Charter School’s Foundation, Exploration Center, and Edible Schoolyard Cafeteria (In 2007, I spearheaded the first parent-student run Organic Milk Project delivering hand-poured certified organic milk into compostable cups to over 500 students daily). I remain a founding member of the Partnership Council of the Community Environmental Council (CEC) of Santa Barbara, a catalyst for the internationally recognized yearly celebration of Earth Day.

    As a former competitive gymnast and a life-long practitioner of yoga, I understand the multitude of benefits gained through sports and movement training. I extend my professional expertise through the certifications as experienced Yoga Alliance (E-RYT) teacher since 1999 and yoga therapist (C-IAYT) since 2004, specializing in prenatal yoga in preparation for childbirth called Yogabirth® as well as rehabilitative yoga called Yoga for the Heart, for people living-or caregiving a loved one-with chronic diseases or life-threatening illnesses.

    My most profound teachers were Nischala Joy Devi, founding developer of the yoga portion of The Dean Ornish Program for Reversing Heart Disease and co-founder of the award-winning Commonweal Cancer Help Program as well as Rachel Naomi Remen MD, the founder of The Healer’s Art and The Institute for the Study of Health and Illness (ISHI) at Commonweal.

    Everyday is a joy to be with my Danish husband Claus Letort, especially when we are sharing our mutual love for nature and organic food culture. Together we have five Danish/American children who live in Copenhagen, Denmark and Santa Barbara, California.

    I consider myself a global citizen having lived-worked-studied in over 15 countries worldwide.




    NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE, it is imperative that humanity learns to value its profound dependence on the natural world as we witness its destruction at an unprecedented pace. It is widely recognized that we depend on our environment to supply our basic needs for food, water and natural resources. The importance of biodiversity is increasingly recognized as we continue to find new medicines from plants, although many species are becoming extinct before we even discover them. However, our bonds with the earth go even further. Many studies now prove the importance of green spaces for mental well-being. This book helps to deepen our understanding of the spiritual connections between human wellness and nature—extending the proverb of “mens sana in corpore sano” to “a healthy mind in a healthy environment”. Not only is nature necessary for preserving our sanity, but it can also help to heal us when we are ill.

    MAPPING CAVES takes this discussion to a new level. As a primary care physician and medical researcher, I see how our world is now dominated by evidence- based medicine and cost-effectiveness studies, which are of course essential when deciding between different modern medicines and expensive treatments. In parallel, patients are increasingly interested in integrative healthcare, which combines the advantages of conventional and complementary approaches. Not only is there a growing body of evidence demonstrating that many complementary therapies can be effective for treating certain conditions; these therapies often take a more “holistic” view of the patient, rather than focusing on a single organ or condition. This extends the understanding of our interdependence with nature; a consideration that involves deep philosophical principles. Dr. Noble-Letort offers fresh insights into how nature can help us to heal by seeing disease in a new way and having a more positive frame of mind.

    This is a truly interdisciplinary book, integrating perspectives from medicine, psychology, history, philosophy, anthropology and mythology - not only Greek and Roman but multicultural mythologies found in Native American and African, Hindu and Buddhist, Judeo-Christian and Islam, Prehistory and Modern stories. Many health professionals regard myths as obstacles to be overcome and countered, when giving correct information about prevention and treatment of disease. This book counterbalances this view, with examples of how traditional myths—and patient’s “personal” myths—can help us to understand different perspectives. Everyone who reads it will find their horizons are broadened and will gain a multifaceted understanding of our interconnectedness with the natural world.

  • 2021

    Academic Publication - Human-Earth Expressions on Integrative Health and Our Environment, Cambridge Scholars. United Kingdom


    Keynote Speaker at PAMA Conference at UCLA, Los Angeles California USA August 2018


    Recipient of Top 40 CitInion at International Congress fo Integrative Medicine and Healta (ICIMH) in Maryland USA - Integrative Health Group Visits (IHGV): A Pilot Feasibility Study to Manage People with Chronic Pain in a Nordic Inner-City Medical Clinic, Baltimore, Maryland USA May 2018


    Keynote Speaker (Copenhagen) – VII World Voice Consortium, Copenhagen, Denmark 2017, December 8-10. http://www.worldvoiceconsortium.org/world-voice-consortium-congress-2017.html

    Lecture at PLO Lægedage Skouby S, Bitsch M, Noble-Letort SR, Nielsen NM. Menopausens Mange Behandlingsmuligheder. PLO Lægedage Copenhagen Denmark 2017, November 16.

    Keynote Speaker (China) – AIRS Institute for the Advancement of International Rehabilitation Standards of Basel Switzerland, 2nd Orenda International Psychosomatic Summit. Beijing, China 2017, October 28-29.

    Pilot Feasibility Study (Copenhagen) – Integrative Health Group Visits (IHGV): A Pilot Feasibility Study to Manage People with Chronic Pain in a Nordic Inner-City Medical Clinic, Copenhagen Denmark, September 13 – October 25, 2017

    Danish Parliament Deputation – Sundheds –og Ældreudvalget Folketinget Christiansborg Copenhagen Denmark 2017, March 8.

    Danish Health Authority Report – Sundhedsstyrelsen SRAB, Denmark Noble-Letort, S.R.; Bangsgaard, K. Brief on European/International Best Practice Perspective on CAM research for Danish Health Authority


    Danish Parliament Deputation – Forsvarsudvalget Folketinget Christiansborg Copenhagen Denmark 2016, December 8. http://www.ft.dk/samling/20161/almdel/fou/bilag/29/1703588.pdf

    Danish Parliament Publication – Noble-Letort SR, Bangsgaard K, Lewith G, Saxer S, Falkenberg T, Zimmerman P, Skovgaard, L. Argumenter for en reformering af den nordiske sundhedspolitik - mod et integreret sundhedssystem 2016 September 25. http://www.ft.dk/samling/20161/almdel/SUU/bilag/87/1693771/index.htm

    Noble-Letort SR, Anthonisen M. Det er ikke kun medicin der gør os raske Chora Connection Open Mind Series Copenhagen 2016 June 1. http://choraconnection.dk/shelley-noble-letort-og-komplementaer-medicin/?lang=en

    Danish National Health Board Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed Råd Vedr. Alternativ Behandling Published Interview. Den nordiske amerikaner 2016 April 26. http://www.srab.dk/nyheder/den-nordiske-amerikaner/

    Noble-Letort SR. The Nous and Neurogenesis of the Psychesoma: An Integrative Medicine Perspective. Taylor & Francis Routledge Journal of World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research, Vol. 72 2016 Issue 1-2: Symposium of the New Science Paradigm University of Milan, Italy http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02604027.2016.1143300?journalCode=gwof20


    Chronical Publication, Information.dk – Danish National Newspaper
    Noble-Letort SR, Riise, Torben. Et paradigmeskift i patientbehandlingen er undervejs, Information Kronik 2015 November 21. https://www.information.dk/debat/2015/11/paradigmeskift-patientbehandlingen-undervejs

    8th President of European Congress of Integrative Medicine ECIM 2015 Global Summit on Integrative Medicine and Healthcare, Greater Copenhagen Denmark September 25-27.

    Noble-Letort SR. A Summary of the ECIM 2015 Global Summit on Integrative Medicine and Healthcare. Science Press Journal of Integrative Medicine Vol. 13, Issue 6 November 2015 pp 347 – 349. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095496415602199 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4653601/ https://gahmsite.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/nordic-integrative-medicine-sponsors-the-8th-european-congress-on-integrative-medicine-and-a-policy-day-september-25-27-2015/ http://www.ytterjarnaforum.se/vard-omsorg/varldsmote-om-integrativ-vard-%E2%80%A8med-300-forskare-fran-30-lander/?print=1

    Keynote Speaker Universidade Lusofona (Portugal) – II Jornadas de Terapeuticas Nao Convencionais. Lisbon, Portugal 2015, June 12-13. http://imt.pt/jornadas2015/


    Keynote Speaker X. World Cultural Forum 2014 (China) – High Level Conference on the Protection and Development of Global Traditional Medicine Culture Session 1: New Medical System is Needed with the Development of Ecological Civilization (The Construction of Ecological Civilization Promotes the Blending Development of Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine). Noble-Letort SR. Integrative Medicine, Sustainability and Patient-Empowered Healthcare: The Importance of Integrating Traditional Medicine into Ecologically Sustainable (Green) Health Care Models. Macau, China 2014, November 13-14. http://thffc.com/zt/2014zyyen/jiabin.htm

    Keynote Speaker University of Milan (Italy) – 1st International Symposium on the New Science Paradigm. New Paradigm in Medicine: Noble-Letort SR The Nous and Neurogenesis of the Psychesoma: An Integrative Medicine Perspective. Milan, Italy 2014 March 29-30 http://www.openscienceacademy.eu/wpcontent/uploads/2014/03/EN_Symposium-program.pdf


    Guest Lecturer. Copenhagen University Department of Public Health – Noble-Letort SR. Mapping Caves Finding Health: Exploring the New Paradigm of Integrative Medicine and Global Health. 2013 October 22.


    Guest Lecturer. Rigshospitalet Copenhagen University Hospital – Noble-Letort SR. Mapping Caves: Exploring the New Paradigm of Integrative Health and Medicine. Tvaerfaglit Videnscenter for Patientstøtte. Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital. 2012 August 28.


    PhD Dissertation. Pacifica Graduate Institute USA Noble-Letort SR. Mapping Caves: Human-Earth Expressions on Integrative Health and Medicine. Pacific Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara California USA 2011 September 15.

  • RENEW CANCER is the title of my forthcoming book about my personal journey from cancer diagnosis to renewal of health made possible by exemplar people working with exceptional science and technologies; the best of integrative healthcare.

    Five years ago, my fate distilled itself into a potent tincture. I received my breathtaking diagnosis of cancer within the same week that I received my MAPPING CAVES contract from Cambridge Scholars and my second grant from the Weil Foundation to produce a series of short documentaries called FINDING INTEGRATIVE HEALTH.

    Even though my diagnosis was more than a shock, it was less of a surprise. Both of my grandparents having suffered through multiple cancer diagnoses (bladder, colon, kidney, ovarian, and rectum) had succumbed to its ultimate end. My grandmother died at my current too-young-to-die age, and yes, I would be the lucky unlucky one to receive genetic testing that would confirm my inheritance of our family’s ancestral genetic mutation. My rare cancerous tumor, aided far too long by the mutation, was able to gradually grow undetected by my T- killer cells therefore ferociously feasting undeterred upon my body.

    Through extensive medical and healthcare research, I challenged my genetic fate by seeking out the most technologically advanced, less invasive cancer therapy treatment—pencil beam proton therapy (IMPT). Unlike conventional photon radiation (IMRT), this particular proton treatment is programmed to enter the body and deposit only a small dose of radiation to the surrounding tissue and bones along the way to the targeted tumor and then stopping any radiation-damaging dosage beyond the tumor.

    While I was pressured to start the conventional chemoradiation treatment offered to me in Denmark, I could not find any university hospitals in Europe that were able to provide me with any form of proton cancer therapy whatsoever.

    Consequently, I returned home to California where I found the brilliant Dr. Iain MacEwan, who said yes! when everyone else in Europe and America said no. It is Dr. MacEwan to whom I ultimately owe my life and the absolute reason I have been able to publish and continue my work with all my vigor. His offering of proton therapy delivered with precision by his team full of expertise and love at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) affiliate California Protons Cancer Therapy Center was an experience that cannot be expressed sufficiently with words. In addition, I am indebted to UCSD oncologist Professor Lawrence Leichman, who with compassion, also said yes! to accepting me as his very last patient of his career and giving me the perfect gift for my body; a personalized oral capecitabine-based chemoradiation (modified nigro-protocol) based on his ground-breaking research.

    Finally, it was my oncologists at UCSD Moores Cancer Center who were the first to refer to me as their “exceptional patient” and subsequently it was my Danish gastrointestinal specialist Dr. Peter Svenningsen who first deemed me “cured” (officially confirmed later by a F-18-FDG inj. PET/CT, the same exact machine that confirmed my initial diagnosis) at my one year control when he found not a trace of neither the tumor, nor any radiation damage whatsoever. Since Dr. Svenningsen was also the first to see my tumor in all its bloody ferociousness, said that if he had not already seen my tumor, he would not believe that it ever existed.

    What was amazing to most was the most superficial. I did not lose my hair, nor did I have any chemotherapy-induced mouth sores. The doctors were especially perplexed that I did not need a blood transfusion, not even pharmaceuticals for my pain. My immune system remained resilient via regenerative cell nutrition and a strict adherence to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) food safety guidelines for people with cancer. My pain remained endurable via support from a team of integrative health practitioners. After having completed 5 years of controls with additional support of various forms of integrative therapies, my regenerated body remains fully functional.

    There is just too much to be said, so I continue to put pencil to paper writing RENEW CANCER. It is my hope that one day, evidence-based integrative therapies will be fully integrated into conventional patient care. And stories about absolute healing and renewal of tissues because of the adaptations into healthcare of the least toxic and most effective cancer treatments will no longer be considered exceptional but Our Common Rule.

  • Pacifica Graduate Institute (PGI) offers the only accredited academic doctoral program "dedicated to the exploration of human experience through the interdisciplinary and multicultural study of myth, ritual, religion, literature, depth psychology, and art.

    The PGI Mythological Studies Program "operates on the underlying assumption that myth has the power to touch our deepest creative energies and to generate symbolic images that confer significance upon the complexity of modern life and history. Myth thrives on paradox, ambiguity, and the shape-shifting ways that metaphor informs and transforms our lives."

    All sectors of society, including healthcare and the environment, are "at the cusp of a paradigm shift in which outmoded mechanistic, reductive modes of thinking are being replaced by more complex, reanimated worldviews. The study of myth, story and fable with its storehouse of narratives and images can help guide us by facilitating our personal and collective transition into a more vibrant reality. Myth reveals the unconscious narratives of both past and present, making the study of myth vitally important to our time."

    What is Depth Psychology?

    Depth Psychology attends to the way unconscious processes express themselves in society and culture, and how culture affects the psyche.

    Depth psychologists attempt to understand the language and the dynamics of the unconscious as it manifests in their work with clients and in the world.

    Depth psychological approaches to psychological suffering attempt to help individuals become aware of what has been cast out of consciousness or not yet able to be known. Healing is associated with allowing what has been repressed, rejected, denied or ignored to come forward so that the person can understand, explore its significance and integrate it, allowing for a transformation in consciousness.

Shelley R. Noble-Letort, Phd

Dr. Noble-Letort received a PhD in Mythological Studies with Emphasis on Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, USA, and a Bachelor of Arts in French Language and Literature from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is the founder and chairman of Nordic Integrative Medicine (NIM) and the 8th President of the European Congress for Integrative Medicine (ECIM), a Global Summit hosting more than 30 countries from 6 continents in Greater Copenhagen.

In 2018, NIM was awarded the top-40 citation for their clinical study on chronic pain at the International Congress for Integrative Medicine and Health (ICIMH) in Baltimore Maryland, chaired by Harvard and UCLA.

In 2019, Shelley was diagnosed with cancer and received novel radiation and oncological treatments at UCSD affiliated California Protons Cancer Center and UCSD Moores Cancer Center, a National Cancer Center (NCI) designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, where she also received RNA/DNA genetic cancer testing and counseling as well as integrated healthcare from the UCSD Centers for Integrative Medicine that included oncology massage, acupuncture, tai-chi and nutritional counseling.

In 2022, the NIM Health Clinic opened in Copenhagen offering to the public their NIM HealthTrust 360 Chronic Pain Program, personalized integrative healthcare delivered by a collaborative team of healthcare practitioners.

In 2024, NIM will launch THE APOTHECARY TEAS to further assist people in their quest for optimal health and wellbeing. We hope you will enjoy the benefits of CALM, LOVE and HOPE, with more formulas on their way.