Golden milk
A superstar inflammation eliminator, gentle liver cleanser, digestive enhancer, blood sugar balancer and heart-healthy remedy. I was introduced to this milky, spicy, rich and warm drink while undergoing chemo-radiation when what I needed most was most basic; deeper restorative sleep and nourishment to my organs, especially my nervous system. I drank it every night before bedtime and slept like a baby, sleeping as much as my body-mind-soul needed. I hope it is as healing for you as it still is for me.
Golden Milk
1.5 cups organic unsweetened almond or coconut milk
1 teaspoon organic turmeric, dried or freshly grated
1/2 teaspoon organic ginger, dried or freshly grated
1/2 teaspoon organic Ceylon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon organic black pepper, ground
1 teaspoon organic coconut oil
1 teaspoon local honey, raw
1 pinch Himalayan pink sea salt
1 squeeze of juice from a freshly cut organic lemon
Combined ingredients work together synergistically in reducing inflammation while calming and nourishing the nervous system to prepare you for deeper sleep.
Turmeric contains up to 3% curcumin by weight. Curcumin is believed to halt an enzyme that may be responsible for turning environmental toxins into carcinogens in the body. Curcumin may also improve digestion of fats and sugars and help alleviate inflammation in the digestive system. It is even used in the mouth to help alleviate gum problems.
Black pepper allows for 300% greater absorption of the curcumin in turmeric.
Ginger is clinically proven to kill cancer stem cells.
Ceylon Cinnamon balances blood sugar.
Coconut oil supplies fat to the thyroid for deeper sleep and is healing for the mucous membranes.
Raw honey and sea salt in combination have a calming effect on the brain and boost healing of the mouth and throat.
Lemon juice for an enhancing vitamin C boost