
Cultivating resilience is about becoming more adaptive and strong. Science shows us that chronic illnesses and diseases are caused by external environmental stressors and internal inflammatory conditions. RESILIENCE Tea is an anti-inflammatory formulation that strengthens your microbiome with all the necessary adaptogens you need.

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A Blend of Turmeric, Black Peppercorns, Apple chips and Rooibos with a touch of Vanilla.

What is a microbiome? The Oxford Dictionary definition of the microbiome is the microorganisms in a particular environment (including the body or a part of the body).

"we depend on a vast army of microbes to stay alive: a microbiome that protects us against germs, breaks down food to release energy, and produces vitamins"

  • the combined genetic material of the microorganisms in a particular environment.

    "understanding the microbiome—human, animal, and environmental—is as important as the human genome"